Human Biology and Health 003: What is a Free radical?

Welcome to part 3 in our Human Biology and Health educational series. 

In biology, a free radical is a tiny particle that can cause big problems in our bodies. Imagine a free radical as a little ball bouncing around inside your cells, looking for something to latch onto. This ball is not like most others because it's missing a piece — specifically, an electron. Electrons like to be in pairs, so this free radical ball is always trying to find another electron to make itself whole again.

Free radicals are created in several ways. One common way is through our normal bodily functions. For example, when we exercise, our bodies use oxygen to create energy, but sometimes this process also creates free radicals. Another way is through exposure to things like pollution, cigarette smoke, and sunlight. Even some of the food we eat and the water we drink can introduce these radicals into our bodies.

Once free radicals are formed, they start bouncing around, trying to steal electrons from other molecules. This can damage important parts of our cells, including DNA, proteins, and cell membranes. When DNA is damaged, it can lead to mutations that may cause diseases like cancer. Damage to proteins and cell membranes can lead to a whole host of problems, including making it harder for cells to function properly and speeding up the aging process.

But it's not all bad news. Our bodies have ways to fight back against free radicals using antioxidants. Antioxidants are like the superheroes of our cells, donating electrons to free radicals without becoming destabilized themselves, effectively neutralizing the threat. We can get antioxidants from fruits and vegetables, which is one reason why eating a healthy diet is so important.

In short, free radicals are unstable particles that can cause damage to our cells, leading to various health problems. They are created both through normal body processes and exposure to environmental factors. Thankfully, by taking care of our bodies and eating right, we can fight against the damage they cause.

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